LearnJS » Contribute
Ahoy, welcome aboard!
LearnJS is an OpenSource initiative.
The whole source code is available in our GitHub repo and we need your help to make LearnJS a useful learning tool.
What can I do?
Here is a brief list of how you can impact the learning curve of your fellow students:
- fix typos
- improve existing contents
- remove outdated resources from the exercise pages
- add relevant resources to the exercise pages
- create new exercise pages
How can I do it?
There are mostly 3 possible ways to contribute:
- Join the Spectrum Chat
- Use the comments board at the bottom of each exercise
- submit new issues in the repo board
- clone the repo and submit pull requests (see below)
What the heck is a Pull Request anyway?
I'm glad you asked!
1️⃣ A Pull Request is a standard contribution practice in modern software development, you can make changes to the project's code base and you can submit them for approval.
2️⃣ The approval process is usually community driven.
The collaborators in the project can use a message board to review, discuss and maybe ask for some changes.
3️⃣ When everyone is satisfied, the change will be accepted and published.
The cool thing is that your contribution will be listed in the project's history and you can use it during interviews to prove your skills and goodwill with a potential employer 🤠.
Learn more about Open Source contributions
- This seems to me a very simple beginner guide to OS contributions
- An alternative guide that takes branching into account
Extra resources
- Practice on git commands by visualizing the steps
- Go through this website to get all you need of GIT
The Golden Rule of Pull Requests
- few
- focused
- changes
A good scope would be a single exercise page.
Pick one and do your best in order to improve it.
Then submit it.
If you want to fix more stuff, use branches and create multiple PRs 🤠.
How do I work on the project?
NOTE: This step assumes you have successfully forked the project in your GitHub account, and cloned it locally to your machine.
This website is statically generated using GitBook.io.
Although it is going under deprecation, it is still a very good tool to quickly build a good looking documentation project.
All the contents are written in Markdown language, which is a human-readable markup language that easily transpile into HTML. I know... there is a lot to take in here, but it's easier learned than explained. Just give it a go with this tutorial.
- you should have the latest codebase locally
- you should be able to run node 10.x
- you should be able to edit text files (ex with VSCode)
Run the project
Before starting a work session make sure you have the latest source code, then make sure also all the dependencies are correctly installed by running:
npm install
At this point you can run the project:
npm start
You should see some logs running for a while, then when everything works fine you should see this final message:
Now you can open your favorite browser (Chrome or Firefox!) and point it to:
You should see the full website, but now it's running on your machine, and it's updating every time you touch a file.
Source Files & Folder Structure
The public website is hosted with GitHub pages which is a great and free way to host static websites.
The bottom line is that the /docs
folder should never be touched.
It contains the transpired version of the project and it is used by GitHub only.
When you work with the contents you need to dig into the /contents
folder, which
contains all the source files.
Each page is represented by a page-name/README.md
There is a good reason for this decision: Open Closes Principle
Challenge n.1
- navigate to a specific exercise in the local website
- identify the relative source file in your editor
- change the title
- observe that the website updates (may take a few seconds)
Challenge n.2
- learn how to create links in Markdown using the tutorial
- find some relevant tutorials or videos for a specific page
- add the link
- create your first Pull Request