HTML » Markup

LearnJS »

👉 User Story:

As a user
Given a CodePen url (see below)
I should be able to read a welcoming message on the result panel
And this message should be nicely formatted into titles,
    paragraphs, maybe lists of key points

You can try things out directly on this pen:

✅ Proposed Solution:

Don't run this unless you gave a very good effort to solve it yourself!

🤓 Resources:

This video might be a little old, but they explain things in a simple way.

This video gives you a comprehensive walk around with many different HTML TAGS.

NOTE: the author uses Visual Studio Code and works on his own computer, for the sake of simplicity I suggest you stick with CodePen for now.

You will be able to play with all the cool stuff without the need to go through the often annoying experience of setting up your machine. We will get to that later on in the roadmap!

Here the author goes beyond the TAGS and talk about invisbile items, HTML entities and meta tags.

💬 Comments & New Ideas:

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